Vaša poslankyňa Európskeho parlamentu Výbory pre zahraničie, bezpečnosť a obranu Výbor pre zamestnanosť a sociálne veci Delegácia Euronest

Terrorism is a multi-dimensional threat, requiring a multi-dimensional response

The threat of terrorism, including that from Daesh, has not subsided. We have under-estimated its ability to regroup.

Terrorism continues to weaken countries globally, including many in ourneighbourhood; it contributes to the unprecedented levels of migration; it also threatens the very foundations of our own democratic society, as thetragic events in France have shown; Anti-Semitism has seen a worryingrise and, according to a 2019 commissioned report for the UK ForeignOffice, the persecution of Christians globally has reached ‘genocidal’levels.

Supporting religious tolerance, I believe, will help in addressing many ofthe underlying factors exploited by Daesh and other terror networks. It isalso for this reason that together with other colleagues from this House,we have called on the Commission to renew the post of EU Special Envoyfor the Freedom of Religion and Belief.

Terrorism is a multi-dimensional threat, requiring a multi-dimensional response.

Yes, it requires more domestic investment into counter-terrorism, but italso requires more focus on societal-resilience building throughintegration of faith and ethnic groups, and more dialogue andunderstanding between faiths, cultures and societies around the world.

Foto – EP/Martin Lahousse

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