Vaša poslankyňa Európskeho parlamentu Výbory pre zahraničie, bezpečnosť a obranu Výbor pre zamestnanosť a sociálne veci Delegácia Euronest
Press release

Miriam Lexmann MEP concerning the international joint statement on Hong Kong

Miriam Lexmann MEP, together with Hong Kong Watch, has been mobilising political leaders from across the world to join an international joint-statement led by the former Governor of Hong Kong Lord Patten and the former British Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind to respond to Beijing’s unilateral imposition of national security legislation in Hong Kong.

We can safeguard ourselves against the influence of authoritarian regimes

Miriam Lexmann during Extraordinary AFET Meeting (30 April 2020) in exchange of views with Mr Josep Borrell, Vice-President of the European Commission/ High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, on the EEAS special report on the narratives and disinformation around the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic.

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